Crystalline Air
Inspired by Starlight in Two Million: a Neo-Scientific Novella, by Amy Catanzano, and Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson.
We run. We run from each other, and from the being behind us - the black, twisting shape that’s tentacles lash out at us. No, the teeth are the worst part - look out for them, you cry. Keep your voice down. Do you want it to hear you? you ask. Whispers drown us out. How will we reach the ship? The smell of grass is overwhelming, and too bright, besides. Cardboard makes our knees ache, but our moon boots are covered in glorious, ancient dust, so we don’t mind.
Our ship’s rocket launchers have stuck, and we have no choice but to confront the beast, trying to hack off its limbs and break its teeth. Our lasers sizzle and hum, and our water guns and darts do little to stun the being.
When will you come in for lunch? the creature asks. Its arms seem to have become two for the moment, and the teeth have retreated some.
Not for two million years! we declare.
Not if I get you first, it screams, and our cries are frozen forever in the crystalline air.